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Why should I use Spaceage?

Spaceage is one of India's best web development businesses, with clients worldwide. Our clientele validates our commitment to going above and beyond their expectations regarding web development services. Furthermore, our pricing is reasonable, saving you money and time.

Do you have a well-versed Web Development Team?

Our web developers are industry specialists with more than five years of expertise. The entire staff stays up to speed on the latest technology, which allows them to tackle challenging tasks for our valued customers.

Do you make mobile-friendly web apps?

Yes. Our experienced staff recognizes that we live in a digitalized era in which technology has grown. Many people utilize various devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, and laptops, to do everyday tasks. That is why we concentrate on creating web apps compatible with all these devices.

Which programming languages does Spaceage use to create custom websites?

At Spaceage, we know that different projects require various abilities and methods to get the greatest results. For instance, some clients present basic tasks, while others present complex projects. Experts in PHP, Java, JQuery, Javascript, and Python are members of our teams. These are the top languages used by top web developers to complete client projects.

How long can your team offer a web application?

The time it takes to finish a web app relies on many aspects, just like how much it costs to design a web app. The quantity and number of required pages will determine how long it takes. A customised web job can take between 1 and 4 weeks for the initial phase, depending on the Client's needs and the project's complexity. It will take between one and six weeks to complete the second step, the development phase.

When your team reviews my website, will I be able to review it again?

The answer is unmistakable, yes, we like to involve our clients throughout the entire process of their project. Our system enables us to streamline the entire process and generate the Client's required product as quickly as possible.

Security & Quality
How does Spaceage guarantee the quality?

We use the Software Quality Assurance (SQA) approach, which takes care of the requirements for quality control at every stage of the development cycle. Our QA team has created a targeted quality control checklist. Additionally, we have a thorough Quality Testing Checklist that ensures every solution offered by Spaceage meets the highest possible international standards.

Is the code documented?

Offering well-documented code is part of our professional obligation. Additionally, it enables us to improve functionality in future projects as needed by the Client. Until the appropriate documentation is given, a project is not considered finished.

Who is the source code's legal owner?

The Client owns all intellectual property rights in work. This includes whatever materials the Spaceage team creates throughout the project, such as source code, binaries, and documentation. All of this is a component of the delivery delivered to the Client. You won't be taken prisoner elsewhere if you use Spaceage.